Communication Curriculum OEC

One of the strongest skills to help humans move forward

If you are a professional looking for the perfect product to help your clients learn about communication and grow their skills, then look no further! Communication Curriculum is the perfect solution. With this exciting learning system, your clients can explore how horses can teach us in special ways through experiential learning exercises in a super fun way. They will master strong skills in communication and understand safety rules when working with the horse. Each exercise and station within the curriculum is designed to provide your clients with an enjoyable and educational experience. All of these activities focus on fostering positive relationships between humans and animals. So take your clients to the next level of adventure with Communication Curriculum today!

Your Instructor

Equine Connection HQ Team
Equine Connection HQ Team

Meet Equine Connection's team of experts passionate about creating the best possible experience for you. As specialists in this industry and leaders in this well-established Certification est. 2009, we have made it our mission to "partner" with horses versus "using" them as tools. You will learn to hear the horses in their world. It's an unparalleled student experience.

Our model for Equine Assisted Learning is Partnering and Connecting With Horses to impact people's lives by working through objectively driven programs while keeping the horse's welfare at the base of all we do. We focus on ground activities rather than riding horses.

Our horses guarantee; when I teach you, I will never judge you! I will never lie to you!! I am a teller of truth as that is ONLY what I can do because of my brain! I will bring love and healing to your heart! I will offer you a way to smile, to giggle, and to have FUN!! This learning, I promise to you, doesn't just stay in the arena; this is learning you will transfer into your own life!

Welcome to a company that cares about your success! We don't just certify people; we work with you to accomplish your success within this horse business field. A Global Equine Assisted Learning Business Training™ (EABT™) company that works together to find success around the world, helping individuals to be empowered and helping them to move forward in their own lives while working with the horse. Live a life you were meant to live with horses and make a living! Another passion of ours is helping women to empower themselves through free and paid online courses. Kari, the owner of Equine Connection has published two books to accompany the ‘Two Weeks To Empowerment How to Take Charge of Your Life and Find Your True Purpose’, and If It's Not Hard It's Not Your Dream.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long do I have to download all my materials?
You will have 90-days to download your digital items out of this platform.

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