How To Find Your Balance In Life

A guide to being inspired to take the steps you've always wanted with power

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Your life CAN be balanced, and you CAN be inspired to achieve what you really want in this short little life.

This course will give you a step by step process to apply to your life so that you can find your power to achieve balance and direction authentically. We are so busy and pulled in so many directions that if we don’t have the tools to create balance in our own lives, we can lose our inspiration for who we are and what our purpose is.

A five-day, mini online course by Kari Fulmek, author of “Two Weeks to Empowerment: How to take charge of your life and find your true purpose” and the founder and owner of Equine Connection The Academy of Equine Assisted Learning, an international company, is designed to give you the drive for the betterment of your life.

Take that step to get your power, NOW!

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Here are a few reasons you want to buy this mini course

"I was inspired by title alone, after diving into the first day of homework I knew this was exactly what I needed to push myself forward. We all get a little stuck sometimes and can't see the greatness in ourselves that others so easily can, that's ok. Day 2 brought some well needed 'ah ha' moments, day 3 brought tears as I began to realize the power within truly was much more remarkable than I ever gave it credit for. I know I have everything I'll ever need within but by the end, I had the realization that I just needed to believe a little stronger, push a little harder and love myself just a little deeper than I was allowing myself to. Even when you already feel empowered there is always room to expand that power into other areas, that is the beauty of a self empowered person, there is always room to grow. Thank you for an enlightening 5 days."

- Ilsa Mutsaers

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Your Instructor

Kari Fulmek
Kari Fulmek

Kari Fulmek is the founder and owner of Equine Connection - The Academy of Equine Assisted Learning Inc., the world’s only equine assisted facilitator training program that prepares participants to use their skills to operate their own business.

A Certified Master EAL Instructor and Certified EAL Senior Facilitator, she travels from her base in Calgary, Alberta to empower clients all over the world.

Kari started her company in 2009 with three young children. With just a thought of what her ultimate dream in her life would look like. In its start-up stage, she watched in horror in one eight-week period when she had to cope with the death of four of her beloved horses and her mother, who was also her best friend and business partner.

She found the courage to rebuild and expand and today her reputation for excellence in her field and demand for her unique business offering stretches from Australia and New Zealand to Denmark, and from Europe and South Korea to the United States and Canada. Along the way, she learned more than most of us will ever know about empowerment, specifically how to gain it and how to live a full life with it.

In this book, which follows Its Not Your DREAM If It’s Not Hard, an earlier publication detailing her personal journey, Kari takes what she has learned about taking charge of her days and her destiny, and offers incredible insight we can all use to change our own lives with an attitude of empowerment.

Course Curriculum

  Welcome to Find Your Power!
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Day 1
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Day 3
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Day 5
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll

"The title alone was enough to grab my attention! I had been in a rut and this power of these 5 days has resurrected a burning fire within me to go after what I want and know I deserve in life! It’s amazing what you can achieve in only 5 short days! Thank you!"

- Melissa Boyd

Today is THE day to begin your journey! 💥

🌟You want to live a balanced life!

🌟You want to invigorate your decisions and ignite your influence!

🌟You want to live an inspired life authentically!

Feeling balanced and inspired is not a static skill. It is not something you learn today and possess for the rest of your life, like riding a bicycle.

This course is designed to give you 10 Steps in 5 Days to start to immediately practice self empowerment in your life. We'll see you on the inside!

DISCLAIMER: This site provides general information only. The information provided is not a substitute for professional advice. No representations or warranties are expressed or implied about the information, products, services, or related graphics contained throughout these courses or books for any purpose. We are not qualified therapists, medical professionals, or counsellors. If you feel that you may need medical advice, please consult a qualified health care professional. Equine Connection makes every reasonable effort to ensure that the information is accurate at the time of posting. We cannot guarantee the reliability of any information posted. Despite our efforts, however, content or services on this service may, from time to time, contain errors. Your results will vary and depend on many factors... including but not limited to your work ethic, action and implementation.

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